All sites hosted by Infomaniak enjoy free SSL certificates delivered by the certifying authority Let’s Encrypt*:

  • automatic install of SSL with Let’s Encrypt certificate (since July 2016)
  • a free SSL certficate can be enabled from the console with one simple click
  • configuring it is fast and automatic
  • the SSL certificate is compatible with all the main browsers on the market

As well as encrypting exchanges between your server and your guests’ computers, a SSL encryption certificate allows the validation of exchanges between an internet user and the Infomaniak servers. A SSL certificate therefore allows enhanced security of your website and increased confidence for your visitors and clients.

Finally, installing a SSL certificate has a positive impact on your site’s referencing. Google does favour websites encrypted in HTTPS and by enabling a SSL certificate on your site, you will benefit from an improved ranking in search results. Together with this free offer, it is still possible to import your extended validation (EV) certificates and to enable an IP address dedicated to your sites.

*Let’s Encrypt is an intitative launched by the EFF foundation. The main sponsors of this new certifying authority are the Mozilla Foundation, Akamai Technologies and Cisco Systems.