Infomaniak’s Newsletter tool has evolved and now offers more detailed reports. Get to know the people who are following you and measure the impact of your newsletters even more precisely.

Get to know the people who are following you

Discover on a map of the world where your subscribers are located and what devices they use to read your messages (Smartphone, desktop, etc.). This information allows you to get to know your contacts better and to adapt the content of your newsletters as a result.


Follow the activity of your newsletters

Display all the important data to measure the quality and the reach of your email campaigns at a glance: the unique open rate, the unsubscription rate and the number of invalid email addresses (bounce).



Discover what (really) interests your subscribers

Easily measure the interest of your recipients by checking the statistics of the links. That way you will be able to see precisely how many unique persons clicked on your newsletter links and know what your subscribers find most interesting.


 To find out more