As of today, anyone can register a domain name with the extensions .wine and .vin
The domain name extensions .wine and .vin target the wine and gastronomy market
If you are a producer, merchant or even a blogger in the wine and gastronomy market, registering a domain name with the extensions .wine or .vin may be beneficial to your business:
- the extensions .wine and .vin let you quickly identify your business sector
- a domain name extension of .wine or .vin lets you stand out from other merchants on the Internet
- these extensions emphasise the professionalism of your business and build your customers’trust
Conditions for registering a domain name with the extensions .vin or .wine
Any legal or natural person may register a domain name with extensions .wine or .vin based on a “first come first served” policy.
If you are interested in these extensions, you should quickly confirm the availability of your domain name and proceed to register it if it is still available.
Your Website and your emails with a domain name extension of .wine or .vin
As an official registrar, Infomaniak offers the domain name extensions .wine and .vin at a competitive rate of CHF 54.-/yr:
How to protect your online presence and manage your domain names properly
Wednesday November 29th, 2023