Without their data, companies cannot continue operating. Escalating cyber threats and weather disasters now exist side-by-side with the risks of human error and hardware failure. To keep information systems secure, Infomaniak provides solutions hosted in Switzerland that adapt to all types of business continuity plans (BCPs).

Unprecedented wave of cyber attacks against companies and public entities

Hacking attacks against computer systems are increasingly featuring in the news and in the economy. In Switzerland and around the world, serious cases are multiplying:

  • Communities under attack at municipal and federal level
  • Hospitals paralysed and forced to divert ambulances
  • Blocked health system platforms
  • Oil pipelines shut down causing fuel shortages
  • Attempted poisoning of drinking water supplies

This risk affects the whole of society. It’s no longer a question of if the attack will come, but when. We’re receiving more and more enquiries as a result.

Swiss and European governments pushing companies to better protect themselves against hackers

The UK’s National Cybersecurity Centre (NCSC) is urging companies to “protect themselves much better” (Le Temps, Anouch Seydtaghia). The risk of ransomware is highlighted in particular. In Europe and around the world, organisations under attack have seen their operations paralysed by systems taken out of their control and data stolen, encrypted or destroyed.

The Federal Government is adamant that the cyber threat can no longer be ignored and that companies must take steps to protect themselves and overcome potentially irreversible crises.

What protection is there against hackers and ransomware?

Imagine a ransomware attack bringing your business to a juddering halt, or a fire in your head office or server room. You’d lose your data, and your employees would no longer be able to work. Could your company recover? If not, you need a strategy:

A business continuity plan (BCP) is your insurance

There’s no such thing as zero risk. A disaster recovery plan (DRP) brings together all the measures designed to ensure the continuity of your services (possibly in a temporarily degraded state) and the maintenance of your operations until the crisis is over.

The essential element of IT resilience lies in resource replication:

  • Replication of data
  • Replication of workstations and devices
  • Replication of the IT infrastructure

Cyber attacks: protect yourself with a solution that’s tailored to your organisation

“Infomaniak’s solutions are designed to enable organisations to recover, whatever happens. We support the private and public sectors in their choice of architecture, taking into account their risk profiles and type of structure.” Olivier Chaze, Cloud Architect at Infomaniak

kDrive: triple replicated data in a sovereign cloud

kDrive for business document centralisation and real time collaboration

If you want to work online and collaborate on documents with multiple users, kDrive is the easiest solution for instantly protecting your data in the cloud.

  • kDrive permanently secures data on three media in two data centers in Switzerland.
  • Your data’s accessible wherever you are and from any device.
  • kDrive manages individual folders as well as folders shared by teams.
  • kDrive makes it easy to reassign files when e.g. an employee leaves.

💡 By using only the kDrive web interface with two-factor authentication, you’re automatically protected from any threat of contamination via your physical devices.

kDrive for replicating documents stored on a NAS (Synology, Qnap, etc.)

You can use kDrive to synchronise your documents stored on a NAS in the cloud. In the event of a problem with your NAS, you can access your replicated files in kDrive from wherever you are to quickly resume your activities.

Working off-site? Swiss Backup and NAS Synology: off-site backup solutions

If you centralise your data locally, be it on a NAS, a server or any other medium, you must keep a copy of your data somewhere else. Our tools are there for that:

Swiss Backup: a complete backup solution in the cloud

Want to be able to restore a complete image of your system or just your working documents? Swiss Backup allows you to manage the backing up of your entire computer park:

  • Windows, Linux, macOS workstations with their operating systems
  • Folders of your choice
  • Network disks
  • Virtual machines
  • External disks
  • Mobile devices
  • Servers

Your data’s stored in Switzerland in Infomaniak’s ecological infrastructure – with your own encryption key if you wish.

💡 Note that Swiss Backup doesn’t offer the functionality of a collaborative cloud such as kDrive: it’s solely dedicated to data backup and recovery. kDrive is the preferred option if you need anytime access to your data while on the move.

Hire a Synology NAS server in Infomaniak’s data centers

If you work with a local NAS, you can replicate it to a remote NAS located in a secure Infomaniak data center. Synology NAS servers offer a great deal of freedom and unique possibilities, but it’s important to know how to set up the security correctly. You also have to manage users and their rights, and decide what to do e.g. with an employee’s files in the event of their departure. If you don’t have the requisite knowledge, we recommend going for a system such as kDrive, which offers multiple features without the need for technical know-how.

Migrate or replicate your infrastructure in the cloud

The ability to restore one’s data isn’t enough. In many cases, you need to be able to restore or maintain an infrastructure in order to limit the interruption to services. This applies to e.g. applications deemed critical.

Infomaniak Public Cloud: a very attractive custom IaaS

If you need to ensure the availability of your infrastructure and your critical applications, Infomaniak’s Public Cloud offers on-demand resources and ultra competitive pricing. Our cloud architects can help you conceptualise your infrastructure in the cloud or a hybrid architecture. Here, your physical infrastructure’s replicated in our Public Cloud (virtual machines, load balancers, VPNs, routers, etc.), allowing you to switch over to it in the event of an attack, a disaster or peak loads.

Housing: your own servers in Infomaniak’s data centers

Although the Public Cloud has an advantage over physical machines, particularly where cost is concerned, it’s possible to install your own machines in Infomaniak’s housing section. It means you benefit from the redundancy of our facilities, the security of our data centers in Switzerland, and our commitment to the environment. You can also have your own interconnection (installation of a dedicated line and maintenance at your expense at no extra charge).

How to define your business continuity plan

Defining the objectives of a BCP starts with a clear assessment of the risks. To do this, you’re best off using these two principles:

RPO (recovery point objective)

The point at which the last full backup was performed. The further back in time it is from the incident, the greater the likelihood that data will be lost. The RPO is the data backup interval that your business can tolerate.

RTO (recovery time objective)

The time it takes to restore your systems to normal operation after a major incident. Here, too, it’s a question of what your business can tolerate.

Getting up and running following a disaster or cyber attack

The more you can minimise the potential impact of an incident with the right disaster recovery plan, the sooner you can get back to business. These RPO/RTO indicators help you understand whether you “only” need to back up your data or, for instance, whether you also need to replicate your infrastructure or back up your workstations. They’re also used to calculate the hourly cost of a business stoppage in order to define realistic and adapted business recovery objectives.

Why choose Infomaniak to ensure your disaster recovery plan

A crisis is much easier to cope with if you can trust and easily interact with your service providers. Cyber attacks and disasters pile on the pressure; everything accelerates. An accessible provider is key to surmounting problems.

  • Infomaniak’s support service comes in five languages (English, French, Spanish, German and Italian), can be contacted every day of the week, and is staffed by technicians trained in the various products.
  • Established in the heart of Europe for more than 25 years, Infomaniak is a company that’s experienced balanced, steady growth.
  • With one million-plus active accounts and an acknowledged track record in Europe, our infrastructure is well proven.
  • We’re there for you: if your organisation is non-standard or requires bespoke SLAs, don’t hesitate to contact us. We’d be pleased to help you choose a solution that’s perfectly suited to your requirements.

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